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/ #33 clomid hcg shot endo

2011-12-06 05:34

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First, let me pretext this by saying my husband is in the military and therefore I recieve most of my healthcare from them. My official diagnosis is unexplained secondary infertility. My first child, my son, was concieved within a few months of actively trying despite a slightly irregular cycle. He is now 4 and we have been TTC for 2 1/2 years now with no success. I ve been reffered to a RE who basically contradicted herself anytime she got a chance- first telling me after having no medical proof that taking metformin would regulate my cycle, then saying I misunderstood and that was only a bridge to having IUI which we never agreed to do. I stoped seeing her and discussed with my GYN what my options would be. They said since I had no medical reason for secondary infertiltiy we could try Clomid but since this is a military GYN they give you 15 pills, tell you the options for taking them and leave you to your own divices. I took one dose of 50mg. with no luck. The period I got after was extemely light and only 3 days instead of the normal 5 I get. After that we decided to try an herbal route which for the past 8 months has not worked and been a bit expensive. I am now at the point where if I don t get pregnant within the next month or two I will have to wait I don t know how long becuase we will be transfering in a year and I can t go pregnant and I don t want my husband to miss the birth of our child. I am thinking about taking the rest of the clomid I have wich would be 100mg per dayx5days but am slightly concerned about multiples and also concerned that the lining would not be thick enough and therefore it wouldn t work anyway. I have no explaination for what happened last time because I had no monitoring. I have looked for support groups in my area which there are none and have no one to talk to about this husband is down at this point that its taken this long already- we had hoped to use the 3 years he was home to have a baby and experience everything he missed with our first by being away but now its not looking possible. If I wait until hes home again all the time its another 4 years and my son will be almost 9 or 10 then However, when seeing an Infertility Specialist, it is usually recommended that FSH injectable fertility drugsbe used to directly stimulate the ovaries. If the patient fails to conceive on Clomid, with IUI after a maximum of three to four cycles, gonadotropin FSH cycles with IUI will often be attempted. If a patient fails to conceive on FSH and IUI, in vitro fertilization IVF is usually the next step. Each couples treatment protocol is different and based upon the specific causes of their infertility.
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